Questions? Our FAQ has got you covered
What are the hours of operation for the Patterson Recreation Center and other facilities?
The hours of operation for the Civic Center are Mondays to Fridays 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
How can I contact Patterson Recreation if I have a question or need assistance?
For any questions or assistance, contact the Sports Director, Andrew Bienvenu at 985-519-2167. Also, you can reach us via the form in the contact page.
How do I register for a program or activity? Is online registration available?
At this moment we only have online registration.
What is the refund policy for programs and activities?
Refunds will be approved at the next scheduled Rec #4 meeting (3rd Wednesday of the month) and will be mailed to the address used on registration.
Does Patterson Recreation offer volunteer opportunities? How can I get involved?
Coaches Officials and Board members are always needed. Please contact the Sports Director, Andrew Bienvenu at 985-519-2167.
Does Patterson Recreation offer any programs or activities for adults or seniors?
Not at this time.
How can I stay updated on the latest news and announcements from Patterson Recreation?
At the moment, follow our Facebook Page to find updates and news from Patterson Recreation.
Can I rent facilities at Patterson Recreation for private events or parties?
Contact Kemper Williams Park or Patterson Civic Center
Is there a lost and found at the Recreation Center?
Contact the Sports Director, Andrew Bienvenu
What age groups and skill levels are the youth sports programs designed for?
Depending on the sport as young as 3 and up to 14 years old. If your child is outside of this age range contact the Sports Director.
What equipment do participants need to bring for each program?
Your child needs to bring a baseball glove and a football mouthpiece. Please make sure the mouthpiece fits snugly and comfortably.
Are there any specific requirements or qualifications for coaches and volunteers
Must be willing to complete a background check.
What happens if a program or activity is canceled due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances?
We will reschedule as many games as we can.